色综合久久久金八天国,超碰在线公开免费,99re 青草视频 精品,欧美自拍偷拍视频区

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          Talent Concept

          Geely Talent Forest Concept

          Talent is like a tree, provided with a good environment and proper nourishment, talent will grow big and strong.

          When it comes to talent, Geely is like a big forest. Through internal cultivation, the seeds of young talents are raised to become strong trees. High-end talents outside of Geely are like century-old Banyan trees and when brought into the forest, they provide a strong support, diversity, and strength to the forest.

          By creating a healthy and nourishing environment, Geely’s talent forest has grown thick and tall, big and strong, diverse and highly sustainable.

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                色综合久久久金八天国,超碰在线公开免费,99re 青草视频 精品,欧美自拍偷拍视频区

