色综合久久久金八天国,超碰在线公开免费,99re 青草视频 精品,欧美自拍偷拍视频区

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          Compliance Consultation and Whistleblowing

          Compliance Consultation

          Geely Holding Group has always adhered to honesty and integrity in all its operations, conducted its business in strict compliance with all laws and regulations where it operates, and strives to cultivate a corporate culture that holds itself and its employees to the highest standards of ethics.?Geely’s Code of Conduct explicitly requires that the company and its employees’ behaviors must comply with laws and regulations, international conventions, regulatory provisions, industry standards, business practices, ethics, articles of association, rules and regulations, etc.

          When you are doubt about the compliance of a behavior or decision, you can ask yourself the following questions.

          1. Is this behavior or decision compliant with relevant laws and regulations and Geely’s compliance requirements?
          2. If this behavior or decision is made public, will it damage the Geely or its reputation?
          3. Are you willing to take responsibility for this?

          If you still have questions, you can consult us through the following manner

          Tel: +86-400-0571-840

          Email: coc@geely.com

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                色综合久久久金八天国,超碰在线公开免费,99re 青草视频 精品,欧美自拍偷拍视频区

