色综合久久久金八天国,超碰在线公开免费,99re 青草视频 精品,欧美自拍偷拍视频区

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          Financial Technology

          Genius & Guru Financial Technology is an innovative new enterprise invested in by Zhejiang Geely Holding Group that uses digital technology to connect and?integrate financial institutions, supply chains, people, and vehicles. Genius & Guru is headquartered in Beijing, and is continuously building up its core capabilities in the fields of digital transactional technology, supply chain financial technology, and blockchain technology.

          Genius & Guru Financial Technology will work with SaxoBank to provide leading digital financial technology, access to global financial networks, empower financial institutions, utilize big data technology, and increase access to customer and product resources in order to improve industry efficiency and cross-company collaboration.

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                色综合久久久金八天国,超碰在线公开免费,99re 青草视频 精品,欧美自拍偷拍视频区

