色综合久久久金八天国,超碰在线公开免费,99re 青草视频 精品,欧美自拍偷拍视频区

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          Premium Electric

          ZEEKR is a new electric mobility technology and solutions brand satisfying the global demand for premium electric vehicles.

          User Integrated Ecosystem

          ZEEKR is committed to being a user-driven tech company. The brand will create a new ecosystem focused on innovation with users at the centre of operations. Through its unique business model, the brand will break the boundaries between users and brand with innovations driven by user experiences, the user ecology, and user shareholding plan.

          Fully Electric

          As well as utilizing Geely’s?leading Sustainable Experience Architecture (SEA), ZEEKR will have its own?battery technologies, battery management systems, electric motor technologies and electric vehicle supply chain support. By utilizing SEA technologies, ZEEKRvehicles will be able to offer software upgrades throughout the lifetime of every vehicle through Over the Air Upgrades as well as offering an unrivalled luxury vehicle experience in terms of comfort and performance.

          More Information

          For more information on ZEEKR, please refer to the brand’s official website at?https://zeekrlife.com/

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                色综合久久久金八天国,超碰在线公开免费,99re 青草视频 精品,欧美自拍偷拍视频区

