色综合久久久金八天国,超碰在线公开免费,99re 青草视频 精品,欧美自拍偷拍视频区

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          Future of Mobility – Smart Three-Dimensional Mobility Ecosystem

          The 21st century will be a century of scientific and technological revolution, industrial transformation, and economic reformation. It will be a century of cross-border integration, increased synergy in resource utilization, and full of mutually beneficial cooperation.

          Revolutionary technologies will continue to sweep through the automotive and wider transportation industry. Change is everywhere. In the world of Internet of Everything that comes with increasing computing power of AI chips, the vehicle of the future will no longer simply be a means of transportation, they will become computing centres, storage centres, mobility providers, a third living space that integrates the online and offline world.

          In recent years, Geely has advanced in the field of science and technology, laying the foundation for a three-dimensional mobility ecosystem covering the sea, land and air. The group has been promoting the development of innovative technology enterprises and is gradually transitioning from being a traditional automaker to global mobility technology group.

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                色综合久久久金八天国,超碰在线公开免费,99re 青草视频 精品,欧美自拍偷拍视频区

